An email design for Performance Telecom, a business communications company.

An email design for Performance Telecom, a business communications company.
Logo design for Arriba Cooltech, an industrial heating and cooling company. I also prepared a full set pf branding guidelines available to view here (PDF).
A white paper design for Beanstalk Marketing. The full document can be viewed here (PDF).
The cover for a white paper designed for Raspberry Beret, a business communications company. The full document can be viewed here (PDF).
A section of the Onit Business Assist website. The full site can be viewed at
A selection of banner ads produced for Onit Business Assist.
One of a number of Case Studies produced to promote Pearson initiatives around the world.
Internal communication poster for Pearson’s new online expenses system. One of four designs.
Image designed to be the core asset for Diploma related materials. Each box represents a different discipline, and single versions of each were available.
The image was designed to be easy to add and take away from as the range of courses changed and the order of the images could be altered as well.